Monthly Archives: September 2023
Upcoming Weekly Adjustment on Index Dividend Notice
Written on September 8, 2023 at 8:36 am, by jonywang
Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the dividends of the following index CFDs will be adjusted by upcoming ex-dividend dates. The comment for trading index CFDs will be in the following format “Div&<Product Name>&<Net Volume>” which show in the balance after the close of the day before the dividend payment date. Please refer toContinue Reading
Understanding The Basics Of Risk Management In Trading

Written on September 7, 2023 at 9:34 am, by jonywang
Content: What Is Risk Management In Trading Assessing and Identifying Trading Risks Minimising Psychological Risks in Trading Setting Trading Goals And Risk Tolerance Risk Management With Order Types Other Strategies For Risk Management In Trading Monitoring And Adjusting Risk Management Strategies How Stop-out And Margin Can Affect Your Trades Short-Term vs. Long-Term Risk Management InContinue Reading
Differences Between Indices Trading and Forex Trading

Written on September 7, 2023 at 9:33 am, by jonywang
What Are Indices Trading And Forex Trading Indices trading and forex trading are both types of financial trading, but they involve different assets and markets. Forex trading, on the other hand, involves buying and selling currencies which involves forex traders speculating on the future movement of one currency against another. Indices trading, on the otherContinue Reading