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19 October 2021,09:36


Important Annoucement:Official Statement from PUPRIME Regarding Counterfeit Apps

19 October 2021, 09:36

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Since our establishment in 2015, PUPRIME has grown into an industry-leading online trading service, providing over 200 financial products to customers all over the globe. With increased recognition and support of our brand, a few counterfeit PUPRIME apps have sprung up to deceive our customers and defraud them.

In view of the situation, we have decided to publish the following statements:

1. The following images depict the current counterfeit app(s) that we are aware of.

2. We hereby issue a warning to any organisation or individual involved with the creation or proliferation of any counterfeit PUPRIME apps to immediately cease all related activities. PUPRIME reserves the right to pursue legal action.

3. Customers are advised to only download the PUPRIME app from regulated mobile app markets like the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Never download apps directly from unknown links or QR code scans.

4. If customers are downloading the app through a link or QR code, they can confirm their download through our official PUPRIME website channels. Please do not download the app privately.

5. If customers find that a downloaded app is a fake, or suspect any security vulnerabilities, do uninstall the app immediately.

PUPRIME would like to remind our customers to be exercise discretion and be vigilant with all issue regarding the safety of your assets. If you are experiencing any reservations, please contact us through official PUPRIME channels for assistance in avoiding any unnecessary losses. In addition, if you do find any other imposter applications, please contact us by emailing [email protected], for which PUPRIME would like to express our sincerest gratitude.

19 October 2021

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