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About: jonywang

Recent Posts by jonywang

Caixin Services PMI Shows China’s Economy is Still Struggling

China’s equity market dropped, influenced by the decline of Caixin Services PMI reading, underscoring persistent challenges in China’s ongoing economic recovery. Last night, US markets observed Labor Day celebrations, resulting in a subdued environment across asset classes, marked by sideways trading. Conversely, China’s equity market experienced a morning session decline. The catalyst was a CaixinContinue Reading

All Eyes On Jackson Hole Economic Symposium

Before the release of the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium, the dollar surged impressively due to the positive initial jobless claims data. In anticipation of Jerome Powell’s address at the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium today, the dollar surged impressively by over 0.6% yesterday, propelling the dollar index to a current trading position above $104.00. This riseContinue Reading

Chinese Ailing Economy Drags Kiwi Lower

The New Zealand dollar has declined and cannot recover due to China’s ongoing struggles in stimulating its economy. The Chinese stock market remains in a downward trend, primarily influenced by challenges within the property sector and limited Chinese economic stimulus efforts. The recent bullish oil prices have also hindered the much-worried Chinese economy, as theContinue Reading

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