
Trade Like a Champion

Sign up for our trading competition and be the top 10 gainers with the highest margin to win amazing Cash Prizes!

Live Account
Event Date

01 Feb 23 - 31 Mar 23

Only applicable to Africa's customers with new trading account

  • Standard

  • Prime

  • Islamic Standard

  • Islamic Prime

Follow 3 Steps to Participate in this Championship

Your gains will be calculated starting from 01 February 2023.

  • Step 1

    Register here

  • Step 2

    Receive Email Confirmation

  • Step 3

    Fund Your Account
    and Start Trading

    Start Trading
Bedingungen und Konditionen
  • Available ONLY for MT4/MT5 Standard Account, Islamic Standard Account, Prime Account, Islamic Prime Account in USD currency.
  • Existing clients need to open an additional NEW trading account to participate in this competition.
  • The first deposit requirement after opening an account for all contestants is 100 USD (Leverage: 1: 500).
    • a. Failure to meet the initial deposit requirements and leverage setting requirements will result in disqualification for this competition.
    • b. During the competition, client’s trading account equity < 100 USD will also be disqualified from the competition immediately.
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Win Cash Prizes at our Trading Competition

Compete with some of the top traders in the region. Beat the masses and be the TOP 10 Gainers in this Championship. Sign up now and trade your way to the weekly leader board!


  • 01
    Fat*** Abdullahi South Africa / winning 298%
  • 02
    Oluwas*** Ayodele AdeyemiNigeria / winning 196%
  • 03
    Abdeli*** BenkiraneMorocco / winning 131%
  • 04
    Ah*** Hassan ZewailEgypt / winning 112%
  • 05
    Nal*** Ntombizodwa MasukuSouth Africa. / winning 109%
  • 06
    Moha*** Amine SbihiMorocco / winning 98%
  • 07
    Win*** ByanyimaUganda / winning 52%
  • 08
    Yow*** MuseveniUganda / winning 50%
  • 09
    M* IbrahimSudan / winning 41%
  • 10
    Lat*** AhrarMorocco / winning 32%

One of the Lowest Spreads and Commissions in the Market.

Live Account

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