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About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

Gold stabilisiert sich nach Fed-Zinserhöhung um erwartete 0,25%

On Wednesday, 16 March, the US Federal Reserve made the long-awaited decision to raise interest rates to combat surging inflation. As per the market’s expectations, the Fed raised rates by 25 basis points. The 0.25% rate hike was voted on almost unanimously by policymakers, except St Louis Fed president James Bullard, who voted in favour ofLesen Sie weiter

PU Prime Indices CFDs Products Optimisation Notice

Dear Valued Client, We are pleased to announce that the minimum lot of opening order will be optimised on all Indices CFDs products starting from 21th March 2022 to further enhance the competitiveness and improve the trading environment. Please refer to the table below for optimisation: *All dates are provided in GMT+3 (Server Time inLesen Sie weiter

The Psychology of Trading

When trading, the two most common and dangerous emotions are fear and greed. Fear and greed can ruin even the best trading strategies. A single moment of fear or greed and lose your months of hard-earned profits. Having discipline and keeping your emotions under control is an invaluable skill in trading. Greed is trying toLesen Sie weiter

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