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About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

Beobachten Sie, wie aus Ihren Pips viel mehr wird

You’ve probably heard them a million times; “PIPs” and “LOTs” may be little but in the trading world they’re a BIG thing. You won’t understand trading until you understand them. What the pip!? PIP stands for “percentage in point” and is the smallest possible increment in a quote. Example: GBP/USD has a rate of 1.5696 aLesen Sie weiter

Wie viel ist eine Menge

One of the first concepts you need to understand as part of your Forex trading training are standard lots and micro lots; what are they and what’s the difference between them? What is a Forex lot? A standard forex lot is equal to 100,000 of the base currency so in the case of EUR/USD isLesen Sie weiter

Leverage und Marge

Now that we know what a pip is, we know that it is just a teeny amount, so you need to trade a LOT for these tiny PIPs to really make a difference. ‘Leveraging lets you magnify your profit potential, at the risk of greater losses, through allowing you to control a relatively large assetLesen Sie weiter

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