About: lishitong
Recent Posts by lishitong
Kommende wöchentliche Anpassung der Indexdividendenmitteilung
Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the dividends of the following index CFDs will be adjusted by upcoming ex-dividend dates. The comment for trading index CFDs will be in the following format “Div&<Product Name>&<Net Volume>” which show in the balance after the close of the day before the dividend payment date. Please refer toLesen Sie weiter
Written on Oktober 20, 2022 at 6:36 am
Categories: 新闻公告
Weitere Kehrtwendungen der Bank of England absehbar

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng made an unprecedentedly dramatic early exit from an International Monetary Fund event in Washington on Friday, with many thinking it was to return to the UK to prepare his fiscal plan. Turns out, Kwarteng was being asked to leave his post by UK Prime Minister Liz Truss, whoLesen Sie weiter
Written on Oktober 17, 2022 at 2:43 am
Categories: Wöchentlicher Ausblick
Kommende wöchentliche Anpassung der Indexdividendenmitteilung
Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the dividends of the following index CFDs will be adjusted by upcoming ex-dividend dates. The comment for trading index CFDs will be in the following format “Div&<Product Name>&<Net Volume>” which show in the balance after the close of the day before the dividend payment date. Please refer toLesen Sie weiter
Written on Oktober 13, 2022 at 7:23 am
Categories: 新闻公告
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