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30 Oktober 2020,07:33


US Election 2020 Important Notification

30 Oktober 2020, 07:33


Lieber geschätzter Kunde,

As the situation surrounding U.S Election expected to increase market volatility, the well-being and safety of providing a secure trading environment to clients remains the first priority for PUPRIME. We are pleased to inform that we have conducted a review of our risk management policies ahead of the November 3rd Election and have decided no changes will be made to our current margin requirements at this moment.

However, we would like to advise that in the event of extreme market conditions, we will take appropriate actions as required to establish a greater level of control during periods of high market volatility and as such this could happen with little or no notice.

Followings are the possible risks impacts that could have on market conditions during U.S. Election:
•  During this period there may be times where spreads are considerably wider than usual
•  As uncertainty grips the market, Liquidity Providers and Banks retreat. As a result of this, stops may incur greater slippage and stop out levels may be significantly above or below where you expect to be executed
•  The market will be extremely volatile as it responds to news releases and updates

As your broker, PUPRIME look to protect clients and ensure you have a positive trading experience. We may adopt a range of precautionary measures to mitigate these risks including, but not limited to the following:

Margin increases:
As you might expect, we may raise margin requirements for key instruments. This reduces the chance of negative equity for clients and aims to reduce exposure under volatile conditions. This could even come in the form of raising margins on hedged positions to protect from liquidity risks.

Moving instruments to close only:
Under some circumstances liquidity could be so poor and volatility could be so high we may deem it best to move some instruments to close only.

PUPRIME will endeavor to notify you prior to any of these changes being made. Please consider the implications carefully and trade cautiously during this volatile period.

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact our support team via Live Chat, email: [email protected], or phone 400 120 0576.

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