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To provide a better reliable trading environment, Pacific Union would like to launch a Live Server upgrades from MT4 Server Time (GMT+2) 00:00 of December 12th 2020 to 11:00 of December 13th 2020.
The maintenance would make clients unable to log in MT4 Live Account temporarily, but it won’t make any changes on account details such as password or affect any position which has been opened. At the same time, the function of deposit, withdrawal and data searching in Client Portal would be not available to use. We recommend clients to do arrangement in advance.
After the upgrade, MT4 Live Account Server will be renamed from PacificUnion-Live1 to PacificUnionInt-Live, you could re-login with the following 2 method:
1. MT4 for Mobile
• Launch the MT4 app and select “Setting”- “New Account”- “Login to an existing account” to search the new server to login.
• If clients can’t find the new server, please uninstall the old version and reinstall the new version of the MT4 platform from Google Play Store, App Store or our official website:
2. MT4 for PC
• Please uninstall and download the latest version of MT4 trading platform from our official website: , please kindly search the new server to login with your account details afterwards.
* Please note that the above links is effective from December 12th, please be sure to download the latest version of MT4 after this date.
If you forget the MT4 Account password, you can click: to log in the Client Portal to click “Reset MT4 Password” field in the account on the main page. The new password will be sent to your registered email immediately. Please note that the password of MT4 could be reset once a day.
The Client Portal will be restored and you could re-login MT4 trading platform with the above methods as long as the maintenance has been completed. We will announce the completion accordingly, please pay attention closely.
If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact our support team via Live Chat, email: [email protected], or phone 400 120 0576.
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