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Bedingungen und Konditionen
1.Vorbehaltlich und unbeschadet aller anderen Geschäftsbedingungen steht das Angebot Kunden von PU Prime zur Verfügung, die die Zulassungskriterien für das Angebot erfüllt haben ("zugelassene Kunden"), wie in den folgenden Abschnitten dargelegt.
2.The “13% p.a. Funds Growth” may be offered by PU Prime from time to time to clients who open real trading accounts (meaning not demo) with PU Prime, in cases where such clients are referred to PU Prime via specific websites and/or social network sites in the context of certain specific promotions, and/or surveys that PU Prime may be running from time to time on such specific websites and/or social network sites.
3.PU Prime, at its absolute discretion, offers the “13% p.a. Funds Growth” to any Client(s) from any countries/regions, as it deems appropriate and for as long as PU Prime deems to provide it.
4.Only persons who can form legally binding contracts under the laws applicable in their country of residence may participate in the “13% p.a. Funds Growth”. Without limiting the foregoing, participation in the “13% p.a. Funds Growth” is not allowed for persons under the age of 18 or otherwise under legal age in their country of residence (“Minors”). If you are a minor, you cannot participate in the “13% p.a. Funds Growth”.
5.Participation of “Intermediaries/Related Parties” in the “13% p.a. Funds Growth” is prohibited. If the registration and/or trading data of a participant in the “13% p.a. Funds Growth” corresponds with the registration and/or trading information, including but not limited to IP address, of another participant in the “13% p.a. Funds Growth”, PU Prime reserves the right to regard this matching as a reason for immediate disqualification. For the purposes hereof, the term “Intermediary (ies)/Related Party (ies)”, when used in these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean to include any person or entity bearing a relationship with any participant in the “13% p.a. Funds Growth”, including, without limitation:
6.Similarly, persons associated in any manner whatsoever with PU Prime and/or with the specific websites and/or social network sites on which PU Prime may be running from time to time certain specific promotions, contests and/or surveys, in the context of which access to the “13% p.a. Funds Growth” is offered, and are not allowed to participate in the offer.
1.This promotion is valid from 9 September 2024.
2.This promotion is open exclusively to selected clients. Not open to the public.
3.Eligible Account Types: Standard Account, Islamic Standard Account, Prime Account, Islamic Prime Account, ECN Account.
*Alle Kontotypen auf den Handelsplattformen MT4 / MT5 / MTS (Copy Trading) sind für diese Aktion zugelassen.
*The minimum deposit requirement for an ECN account is $10,000 USD or the equivalent.
*If clients want to participate with multiple accounts, they must satisfy the specified requirements for each account.
4.Eligible clients will receive a daily cashback rate of 0.05% on their Eligible Funds during the previous settlement week (Monday to Friday). The cashback will be credited into the client's account on every Monday.
*The total accumulation of Eligible Funds will be calculated at 5:30 a.m. (GMT +3) on the next day.
*Daily cashback = Eligible Funds x 0.05% = (Equity – Credit) x 0.05%
5.Promotion Participation:
6.The settlement week must start from Monday. If enrollment occurs on any other day of the week, the participation will not be counted for that week.
7.If a client opt out via Client Portal by one of his/her participating accounts, this account cannot opt in this promotion again.
8.If clients make any withdrawal or internal fund transfer out from participating accounts during the previous settlement week (Monday to Sunday), the cashback for the previous settlement week will be canceled.
9.Example 1:
Example 2:
The following conditions apply to all offers, unless explicitly stated otherwise:
1.Die Teilnahme an der Aktion ist ausschließlich für Kunden möglich.
2.All PU Prime offers are only available in accordance with applicable law.
3.PU Prime offers are not designed to alter or modify an individual’s risk preference or encourage individuals to trade in a manner inconsistent with their own trading strategies.
4.Clients should ensure that they operate their trading account in a manner consistent with their trading comfort level.
5.New Accounts are subject to approval as per PU Prime’ account opening procedure. Individuals who apply for an account must check their local laws and regulations before applying for an account with PU Prime.
6.PU Prime reserves the right to decline any application or indication to participate in any promotion at its sole discretion, without the need to provide any justification or explain the reasons for such a decline.
7.PU Prime reserves the right to exclude and/or cancel a client’s participation in its offers or promotions if:
8.The Company has the right to withdraw without prior notice the Bonus or profit gained from it, if:
9.PU Prime may at any time make changes to these Terms and Conditions and will notify you of these changes by posting the modified terms on the PU Prime website. You are advised to revise these Terms regularly, and by your continued use of PU Prime website and services that you accept any such modified terms. PU Prime reserves the right to modify or cancel any offers at its sole discretion at any time.
10.PU Prime will not be liable for any loss, costs, expense or damage which may be suffered in connection with this offer and which by law may not be excluded by these Terms.
11.Im Falle eines Verdachts auf Lock-up- oder Hedging-Positionen behält sich PU Prime das Recht vor, die Ausgabe von Prämien zu verweigern oder die ausgeschütteten Prämien zurückzufordern.
12.If these Terms and Conditions are translated into a language other than English, then the English version of the terms shall prevail where there is an inconsistency.
13.This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with VN Cash Rebate promotion.
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