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Bedingungen und Konditionen
1.Vorbehaltlich und unbeschadet aller anderen Geschäftsbedingungen steht das Angebot Kunden von PU Prime zur Verfügung, die die Zulassungskriterien für das Angebot erfüllt haben ("zugelassene Kunden"), wie in den folgenden Abschnitten dargelegt.
2.The “$50 No Deposit Bonus” may be offered by PU Prime from time to time to clients who open real trading accounts (meaning not demo) with PU Prime, in cases where such clients are referred to PU Prime via specific websites and/or social network sites in the context of certain specific promotions, and/or surveys that PU Prime may be running from time to time on such specific websites and/or social network sites.
3.PU Prime, at its absolute discretion, offers the “$50 No Deposit Bonus” to any Client(s) from any countries/regions, as it deems appropriate and for as long as PU Prime deems to provide it.
4.Only persons who can form legally binding contracts under the laws applicable in their country of residence may participate in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus”. Without limiting the foregoing, participation in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus” is not allowed for persons under the age of 18 or otherwise under legal age in their country of residence (“Minors”). If you are a minor, you cannot participate in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus”.
5.Participation of “Intermediaries/Related Parties” in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus” is prohibited. If the registration and/or trading data of a participant in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus” corresponds with the registration and/or trading information, including but not limited to IP address, of another participant in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus”, PU Prime reserves the right to regard this matching as a reason for immediate disqualification. For the purposes hereof, the term “Intermediary (ies)/Related Party (ies)”, when used in these Terms & Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean to include any person or entity bearing a relationship with any participant in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus”, including, without limitation:
a. Familienmitglieder wie Brüder, Schwestern, Ehegatten, Vorfahren, Nachkommen in gerader Linie und Nachkommen in Seitenlinie;
b. person or entity, whom any participant in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus”, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, or whom, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, is controlled by, or is under common control with any participant in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus”; for purposes of this definition, the term “control” (including, with correlative meaning, the terms “controlled by” and “under common control with”), as used with respect to any participant in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus”, shall mean the possession, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, of the power to direct or cause the direction of management policies of such person or entity, whether through ownership of voting securities or otherwise.
6.Similarly, persons associated in any manner whatsoever with PU Prime and/or with the specific websites and/or social network sites on which PU Prime may be running from time to time certain specific promotions, contests and/or surveys, in the context of which access to the “$50 No Deposit Bonus” is offered, are not allowed to participate in the offer.
1.Promotion time: 1 November 2024 - 11 November 2024 (system time, GMT+2)
2.Eligible Clients: new clients who opened an account through the specific account opening link
*Sign-up registration must occur during the promotion validation period.
*Open to new clients without any existing account with PU Prime.
3.Promotion component: $50 USD No Deposit Bonus
4.Eligible Account type: Standard Account, Islamic Standard Account
5.This promotion will be automatically activated for each client’s first eligible account he/she created.
6.This promotion is limited to the first 200 participants.
7.Eligible clients will receive the corresponding NDB amount based on the criteria outlined below:
a. If an eligible client completes KYC verification (ID Verification, Address Verification) within 7 days of account registration, you will receive a total of $50 USD NDB.
b. If an eligible client completes KYC verification (ID Verification, Address Verification) within 30 days of account registration, you will receive a total of $30 USD NDB.
8.The NDB trading period lasts 30 days, starting from the date that client successfully received the NDB.
*Please note that NDB may take up to 24 - 48 working hours to reflect.
9.The NDB will be removed automatically after it expires. Clients must make sure they have enough margin in their account to prevent the trades from getting liquidated.
10.Withdrawal restrictions:
a. If an eligible client has not made any deposits, he/she needs to complete at least 2 standard lots in order to withdraw profits. The maximum withdrawal amount of profit is $30 USD and can only be requested once. Any extra profit will be removed after the first successful withdrawal.
b. If an eligible client has made a deposit, he/she needs to complete at least 1 additional trade in order to release the withdrawal restrictions.
*The withdrawal restrictions remain in effect after the NDB removal.
*Trading orders must be open for more than 5 minutes to be eligible.
*Only a deposit during the promotion is eligible. A deposit does not include the funds transfer between the accounts that are under the same name (internal transfer), refer-a-friend bonuses, and cash adjustments.
11.EUR, 1,21:1 für USD vs. GBP, 0,73:1 für USD vs. SGD, 0,63:1 für USD vs. NZD, 0,13:1 für USD vs. HKD, 1:150 für USD vs. Japanischer Yen, 1,05:1 für USD vs. CHF, und 1:100 für USD vs. USC.
1.Die Teilnahme an der Aktion ist ausschließlich für Kunden möglich.
2.TThe "$50 No Deposit Bonus" is available to eligible clients who open a real (non-demo) account with PU Prime in accordance with the rules set herein. The granted credit bonus may be used for trading purposes only.
*Profits generated from trading can be withdrawn at any time without any reduction in the credit bonus, provided no deposit has been made.
*If a deposit has been made, withdrawing profits will not reduce the credit bonus. However, if a withdrawal includes the deposited capital, the credit bonus will be proportionally deducted according to the system logic, irrespective of whether the withdrawal is successful or not.
3.Der Kreditbonus kann nicht (i) auf eine andere Person übertragen werden; (ii) auf ein anderes Konto des berechtigten Kunden übertragen werden; oder (iii) gegen andere Finanzdienstleistungen oder Leistungen von PU Prime eingetauscht werden.
4.Die PU Prime behält sich das Recht vor, nach eigenem Ermessen:
a. to decline registration of any participant in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus”; and
b. disqualify any participant in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus” who tampers or breaches these terms and/or any of the “PU Prime Terms and Conditions” set forth on PU Prime’s website.
5.PU Prime reserves the right, at its reasonable discretion, to discontinue the offering of this “$50 No Deposit Bonus” to any of its clients, without having to explain the reasons. Such clients will be informed via email.
6.PU Prime reserves the right to alter, amend or terminate the “$50 No Deposit Bonus” or any aspect of it at any time without having to compensate anyone for that. Prior notice of such changes will be given to clients. Please note that taking part in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus” constitutes acceptance and agreement to abide by any such alterations, amendments and/or changes.
7.Jedes Anzeichen oder jeder Verdacht, nach dem alleinigen Ermessen von PU Prime, auf irgendeine Form von Arbitrage (einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf risikofreie Gewinne), Missbrauch (einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf die Handelsaktivitätsmuster des Teilnehmers, die darauf hindeuten, dass der Teilnehmer ausschließlich darauf abzielt, finanziell von dem Kreditbonus zu profitieren, ohne wirklich am Handel an den Märkten interessiert zu sein und/oder Marktrisiken einzugehen), Betrug, Manipulation, Cash-Back-Arbitrage im Zusammenhang mit einem Kreditbonus oder jede andere Form von betrügerischen oder arglistigen Handlungen führen zur Annullierung aller zuvor gutgeschriebenen Kreditboni der realen Handelskonten des berechtigten Kunden bei PU Prime und/oder aller durchgeführten Transaktionen und/oder Gewinne oder Verluste, die damit erzielt wurden. Unter diesen Umständen behält sich PU Prime das Recht vor, nach eigenem Ermessen alle realen Handelskonten der berechtigten Kunden bei PU Prime (entweder vorübergehend oder dauerhaft) zu schließen/auszusetzen, alle Aufträge zu stornieren und alle Gewinne dieser Teilnehmer zu annullieren. Unter diesen Umständen haftet PU Prime nicht für die Folgen der Stornierung des Kreditbonus, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf die Schließung von Aufträgen durch Stop Out.
8.Wenn ein Handelskonto ruhend wird, werden alle zuvor gewährten Bonusgutschriften sofort von dem jeweiligen Realkonto des berechtigten Kunden bei PU Prime abgezogen.
9.Taking part in the “$50 No Deposit Bonus” constitutes acceptance of these Terms & Conditions and of the PU Prime Terms and Conditions set forth on the PU Prime’s website.
10.The “$50 No Deposit Bonus” is available for a limited period of time only, as indicated in the rules of engagement of the specific promotion, and/or survey of which the “$50 No Deposit Bonus” is mentioned to be a part of.
11.Im Falle eines Verdachts auf Lock-up- oder Hedging-Positionen behält sich PU Prime das Recht vor, die Ausgabe von Prämien zu verweigern oder die ausgeschütteten Prämien zurückzufordern.
12.If these terms and conditions of the “$50 No Deposit Bonus” are translated into a language other than English, the English version is superior in the case of an incompatible interpretation.
13.This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any Deposit Bonus promotion, any other No Deposit Bonus promotion, First Deposit Cashback promotion, 100% Cash Rebate promotion, Crypto Cashback promotion.
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